meningitis vaccination notice

There have been several cases of meningitis in NZ recently. If living in these places you are entitled to FREE meningitis vaccinations - Boarding school hostels, Tertiary education halls of residence, Military barracks, Youth Justice residences or prisons. 

Sexual Health.

We understand discussing sexual health can be intimidating. Our professional sexual health team is here to help.

  • Free sexual health/contraceptive consults for anyone under 25 years old.
  • Free pregnancy/miscarriage or termination consultations.
  • Free sexual trauma counselling and mental health support.
  • Screening and management for sexually transmitted infections.
  • Subsidised contraceptive consultations for those over 25 years old.
  • Subsidised gender diversity and transition support.

Coastal Medical Provides Funded:

  • Jadelle rod insertion and removal.
  • Mirena intrauterine device insertion and removal.