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Meningitis Vaccination Notice

There have been several cases of meningitis in NZ recently. If living in these places you are entitled to FREE meningitis vaccinations - Boarding school hostels, Tertiary education halls of residence, Military barracks, Youth Justice residences or prisons. Contact GP to book.

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Did you know you can repeat your medications on MyIndici quickly and save money at the same time.

To sign up for MyIndici today click the following link and follow the simple instructions to access your patient portal today.

Repeat Prescriptions

Our repeat prescribing is done in accordance with the Medical Council of NZ Statement on Good Prescribing Practice this means:

  • Must be an enrolled patient
  • You will need to consult a clinician regularly to facilitate ongoing repeat prescriptions.
    • If your conditions are stable this is generally every 6-12 months.​

Results & Appointments

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